Matthew Neurock
Professor Matthew Neurock is a leading expert in the development and application of theoretical methods for simulating catalytic and electrocatalytic systems. He has developed novel theoretical methods to simulate complex metal/solution interfaces and potential dependent electrocatalytic systems. He is the Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science at the University of Minnesota. He has published over 220 publications, coauthored the first book on theoretical heterogeneous catalysis, consults with numerous companies on catalysis and serves as an editor for the Journal of Catalysis. In this center, he will focus on applying theoretical techniques to understand electron transfer at Minteer’s redox-active polymer films, and to assist Minteer and Baran in the design of mediators for C-H functionalization and activation of innate arenes. He will focus on understanding mechanisms (e.g., transmetallation at surface bound clusters (Anderson) and Co (I/II) cycling (Minteer) within these electrosynthesis reactions, as well.